Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Slowing Down... Starting Now

I love that the important things in life are really made up of such little moments. There are so many quotes dealing with this. I'm just thankful that I was reminded of it today. In this video there is a spot where the mom  is on the computer and the children are playing in the rain outside, then the mom stops and looks out the window. I LOVE that part. There is so much to experience around us if we take the time to slow down and open our eyes; allowing ourselves to fully LIVE! 

“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” Robert Brault

"Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away"

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Beautiful Mornings... with a Prince of Egypt kick and Board results!!

What a WONDERFUL day! We passed boards part one!!! Such a huge blessing. I am sooo grateful for the blessing to be in podiatry school and the many lessons we are learning about trusting in our Lord. When I saw the email saying that we had passed I started dancing and cheering around the house with Aiden...ok I was the only one dancing and cheering around. All Aiden would give me was a funny look as he was eating breakfast.

Later on today I turned on Prince of Egypt for Aiden and found in its Extras section a  multi language version of the song "When You Believe".  I love that song anyways but listening to it after finding out we passed just really hit the spot. Hearing it in so many languages reminded me of how much our Father in Heaven loves ALL of us and understands what we need to help us come closer to him. I probably listened to that song three times and I almost cried every time I listened to it. I KNOW my Father in Heaven has been helping us make it through school and that there is no way we could do it without him. I love and need him so much every day. For all of you that aren't fluent in 28 different languages, here are the words to the song :)
Many nights we've prayed With no proof anyone could hear
In our hearts, a hopeful song
We barely understood
Now we are not afraid
Although we know there's much to fear
We were moving mountains long
Before we knew we could, oh yes

There can be miracles when you believe
Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles you can achieve
When you believe, somehow you will
You will when you believe

In this time of fear
When prayer so often proves in vain
Hope seems like the summer birds
Too swiftly flown away
Yet now I'm standing here
My heart so full I can't explain
Seeking faith and speaking words
I never thought I'll say

There can be miracles when you believe

Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles you can achieve
When you believe, somehow you will
You will when you believe
Now that I'm on a Prince of Egypt kick, another wonderful song is "Through Heaven's Eyes" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oG0a9WFkgzU  enjoy  :)

A few days ago I listened to the talk called Beautiful Mornings by Elder Bruce D Porter. Reading it made me appreciate how beautiful my mornings really are. When I get Aiden out of bed many times he will start clapping when I walk in to get him. Jason isn't working crazy hours at a rotation yet so I get to spend a little bit of my mornings with the love of my life before he goes off to school for the day. My mornings are never better though than when I wake up before everyone else to read my scriptures and write in my journal on my balcony....ok so that one doesn't happen very often...but when it does it always starts the mornings off beautifully (till I crash on the couch from being so tired later on in the day lol).  Reading my scriptures later on in the day is always great too, but it just is something special to sacrifice precious sleep to read before people wake up.  Anyways. My days go so much better when I take the time to notice the things that I think are beautiful and give thanks for the guidance Heavenly Father gives me as I listen.

This is the part that  I have been thinking about the most lately.
Every one of us, and our families, can be armed with the power of God as a defense if we will but remain true to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and let the Spirit be our guide. Trials may come, and we may not understand everything that happens to us or around us. But if we humbly, quietly trust in the Lord, He will give us strength and guidance in every challenge we face. When our only desire is to please Him, we will be blessed with a deep inner peace.
In the early days of the Restoration, the members of the Church faced severe trials. President Brigham Young said of that time: “When surrounded by mobs, with death and destruction threatening on every hand, I am not aware but that I felt just as joyful [and] well in my spirits, as I do now. Prospects might appear dull and very dark, but I have never seen a time in this Gospel but what I knew that the result would be beneficial to the cause of truth” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young [1997], 357).
My missionary companion, Paul, was someone who always radiated good cheer. As a young father, he was stricken with multiple sclerosis. Yet despite the adversity that followed, he continued serving others with joy and good humor. He once entered my office seated in his first wheelchair and declared, “Life begins with a motorized wheelchair!” I will always remember him, a few years before he died, holding high the Olympic torch while riding in his wheelchair as hundreds cheered. Like that ever-burning flame, Paul’s faith never dimmed in the storm of life.
When I was a student at Brigham Young University, I lived in a house with several young men. My roommate, Bruce, was the most optimistic person I have ever known. We never once heard him say anything negative about any person or any circumstance, and it was impossible not to feel buoyed up in his presence. His good cheer flowed from an abiding trust in the Savior and in His gospel.
One cold, wintry day, another friend of mine, Tom, was walking across the university campus. It was only 7:00 in the morning, and the campus was deserted and dark. Heavy snow was falling, with a brisk wind. “What miserable weather,” Tom thought. He walked farther, and out in the darkness and snow, he heard someone singing.
Sure enough, through the driving snow came our ever-optimistic friend, Bruce. With his arms outstretched to the sky, he was singing a number from the Broadway musical Oklahoma: “Oh, what a beautiful morning! Oh, what a beautiful day! I’ve got a beautiful feeling, everything’s going my way” (see Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II, “Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin’” [1943]).
In the intervening years, that bright voice in a dark storm has become for me a symbol of what faith and hope are all about. Even in a darkening world, we as Latter-day Saints may sing with joy, knowing that the powers of heaven are with God’s Church and people. We may rejoice in the knowledge that a beautiful morning lies ahead—the dawn of the millennial day, when the Son of God shall rise in the East and reign again on the earth.
I think also of two other beautiful mornings in the history of the world. In the spring of 1820, on the morning of a beautiful, clear day in Palmyra, New York, a young man named Joseph Smith entered a grove of trees and knelt in prayer. The answer to that prayer, the appearance of the Father and the Son, ushered in the dispensation of the fulness of times and the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ to the earth.
And yet another beautiful morning dawned nearly 2,000 years ago just outside the city wall of Jerusalem. The sun no doubt shone with exceptional radiance that Easter morning. A small company of women had come to visit a garden tomb, hoping to anoint the body of their crucified Lord. Two angels met them and declared: “Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen” (Luke 24:5–6).

Of the triumph of Jesus Christ over sin and death, I bear witness. Of the merciful plan of our Eternal Father and His everlasting love, I testify. As we rise up each morning, may we look to heaven in faith and say, “Oh, what a beautiful morning,” I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Favorite things -- Starring Aiden

So this blog was supposed to be for things that just really make me want to get up and do something....and I PROMISE that happens more than once every few months....but since I haven't written anything on here since February you will just need to take my word on it. 

Today I decided to take Aiden on a favorite things photo scavenger hunt around the house. Here is what we collected!  Hopefully it won't take me more than 5 months to do this again lol.

Nap times

Aidens SUPER contagious smile

His smile after he throws something. Always followed by personal applause.

His favorite dog Rufio
Telling him something important
In honor of Dad at school...my I introduce Franks Hot sauce! Aiden actually found it in the fridge all by himself for the picture. Dad will be proud.

New baby!! Had to include him/her in it.

Jason came home last night and instead of playing volleyball painted me nails!! I wanted to try some fun design and he thought of this and did it all on his own. Probably my favorite toe nail painting session yet. I wouldn't be able to do a heart with an arrow in it!  And if Jason was typing this with me he would say his favorite part of the picture is that he can point out what each of the veins in my feet are called and where they originate lol :). I love my husband!

Friday, February 22, 2013

A Ship in the Harbor

Start Point Lighthouse
"Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God's" - 2nd Chronicles. 
When I was younger I would read this scripture and imagine myself standing for the truth against an army of sin and confusion. Clad in armor all by myself facing an unimaginable number of foes. Now as I recently read this scripture I see myself standing next to the temple with my husband and my child (and future children) all holding hands facing head on the storms in life.  I don't see me doing one big courageous act against some HUGE foe (although I know it is huge), I usually see myself doing a bunch of everyday little things to fight Satin. Things like staying home and taking care of Aiden, or making our home a place where we are able to feel the spirit.  But there is still something that is not quite right in my picture! I still revert to how in the world are WE supposed to raise a family in this crazy world!!!  Well I have learned that there is no way that we can without Christ. The battle is not ours! It really is Gods! He just asks us to stand on holy ground and be not moved. As easy as this sounds, it can take a lot of courage at times to not be moved, or to get to holy ground in the first place. But our Heavenly Father does understand and loves us unconditionally still. 

Last night I was studying the Doctrine and Covenants and I felt like I was going to pop inside! I was so excited about all the amazing things Heavenly Father has in store for us if we will only have the faith and courage to obey him! Jason had to get to sleep because he had a final this morning, but I just HAD to tell him about all the incredible things I was reading. God really will do everything he can do to get us back to him in the end. He loves us so much he sent a savior for us and he will fight our battles for us! He does this everyday in so many ways. "A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are build for".  We need to have the courage that we can be given strength through Christ and let our self go out to sea, knowing that God can command the seas and that there is a lighthouse. Sometimes having courage means taking a specific action that can be scary, other times we just need to "Be still and know that [He] is God". 

Here is the Family Newsletter my Mom (Suzanne Williams) sent out this week. It totally inspired me to try and do my part a little better in standing up for Christ. 
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Hello Family,   We hope that all is well with you and yours. 
Can I tell you how much I love Joshua, the prophet after Moses, and how much I love how the Lord deals with Joshua.  In the first chapter of Joshua the Lord tells him 4 times “Be strong and of good courage.”  Here is how he says them. First time – be strong and of goo courage.  Second time – Only be though strong and very courageous.  Third time – Have not I commanded thee?   Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be though dismayed: for the Lord they God is with thee whithersoever though goest. Fouth time – Only be strong and of good courage.
I’m sure there are many concepts that the Lord has to try to get me to learn every time we talk as well.  And being strong and of good courage is definitely one of them.
I love how Judges starts with the Lord showing by the history of the Israelites that if you are bad as a nation you will be taken into bondage and if you repent and are good the Lord will send a hero to lead you back to freedom.
For Presidents Day Priscilla (14) and Colt (16) went cross country skiing with the Foote Family.  While they were gone Derek and the younger children watch Johnny Tremain while he worked on his studies for the Bar and I worked on cleaning my room – which I admit had been sadly neglected.  I would much rather help the children with their schooling than clean my room any day.  Anyway, as I was walking upstairs to put away some things I heard this quote
if they mean to have a war, let it begin here” liking research more than cleaning and thinking that was a powerful quote I went and googled the quote.  The whole quotes is as follows. "Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here."  It was said by a man named John Parker who was in charge of a minute man company.  I love how brave he was.  I love how he was not going to back down.  He was not going to wait for others to defend themselves first.  He manned up and said if there will be a fight let it begin us.
I think that we today need to be equally courageous and need to not be afraid of standing up for what we believe in. No matter what consequences threaten.
I was talking with someone the other day.  And I was saying how much I love my life.  Some people look and me a homeschooling mom with 8 children and think that it would be a very frustrating life.  But that is not my existence at all.  It is completely opposite of my existence.  My children feed and nourish me emotionally and intellectually.  My children are the light and joy in my life.  And I didn’t mean to just say my children.  I mean my husband, my parents, my sister, my new son Jason and my new Grandbaby Aiden.  The richness and pleasure and joy in my life comes from family. 
I just want you to know how happy and rich I feel because of the love of so many good people.
Am I saying that life is never hard or boring or annoying?  No we are human and so that means that sometimes we rub people wrong, some people we create work for people that they would rather not do, sometimes life is repetitive which can be boring at times and completely make you feel secure and fulfilled at others.  But I am so completely eternally thankful for each person in my family and thank God for them!  The good a million times outweighs any bad.
Everything the family does enriches my life.  I love that Jason is in medical school.  I love that Grandma and Grandpa are dedicated indexers.  I love that I have experienced law school through Derek.  There’s just too many things that you all bring into my life to begin to count.
Even if I simply said the music you have brought into my life – which I am listening to right now as I write – if I listed all the music that you have brought into my life that I love that list would go on forever.
I am blessed by you and I know it!  Thank you!
Wesley right now is such a joy to me.  If I had to estimate he must come to me 20+ times a day to give me hugs and kisses.  Right now he loves to climb up me when I am sitting down and hug my face.   If I am in a different room he comes to me and tells me to stay with him.  I love that he loves me so much and tells me so often.  I love that he is so vocal about how much he loves me and how he wants to spend time with me.
I want you all to know that I love you and that I love spending time with you!
We went to the Salt Lake Temple Tuesday because the Bountiful Temple is closed for 2 weeks.  It gave us the opportunity to get together with Catherine, and Rebecca, and Elizabeth Bingham.  It was so good to see them.  The Salt Lake Temple is so beautiful.  So peaceful!  That’s the feeling I want for my home.
We got our first letter from Hunter – he is doing very well.  And doing well with Spanish.  That he is doing so well is incredibly satisfying to us.  We pray for his success and happiness.
Caleb (10) and Clancy (8) continue to love scouting.  Marshall (12) is so good at helping them do the requirements that they need to pass off in the books.  That boy will make such a good father someday.  He has a Shepherd’s heart and love.  He knows how to show love and nurturing.  And he is careful to help people stay on the right course.
I was just trying to think of life from Wesley’s point of view.  It must be very hard for a little one of so little understanding to try to understand why some Portia is sometimes here and is sometimes gone.  It must be hard for him to understand why Hunter is sometimes here and sometimes gone.  “Mom, why did we leave Hunter?”  He asked me.  And I had to explain to him that we didn’t leave Hunter at the MTC.  We would never leave any of our children.  Hunter is just choosing to be away as a missionary right now because he is serving God and that is a good thing. 
I remember a visiting teaching companion in South Jordan telling me how hard it was on her daughter to have each of her brothers and sister grow and leave the family.  I can see that.  I try to tell Wesley that Derek and I will never leave.  And that his brother and sister who do leave are having fun and doing good things in other places.
Changing the subject, I love in Judges how the Lord shows in Judges so many times that he will bless us when we are doing good even though He knows we will do bad later.  And when we repent and every time we repent He forgives us and comes to our aid.  When we are good we are free and when we are not we are in bondage.  And yet no matter how many times we are sinful he longs for us to repent and to forgive us and to lead us to freedom and prosperity.  How good God is.  I am thankful that studying His book shows us that!
I love the story of Gideon.  I feel for him, and feel akin to him on so many levels.  He wants to be good and do what the Lord wants, but Gideon doubts his own abilities “My family is poor and I am the least of my father’s house.”  God tells him not to be afraid.  Fear must be such a universal human emotion.  I can’t begin to count the number of prophets and heroes that God has told not to be afraid. 
Gideon is a careful man.  He wants to make sure he has heard the voice of the Lord.  He asks for a fleece to first be wet when the land around is dry and the next day for the fleece to dry even when the land around is wet. 
Even after that he has trouble trusting the Lord.  Gideon goes to fight the Midiannites with 32,000 men.  And the Lord tells him he has too many people for the Israelites to acknoledge the Lord’s hand in the matter.  So the Lord tells Gideon to send all those who are afraid back home.  And 22,000 go back home and 10,000 stay with Gideon. 
Then the Lord tells Gideon that there are still too many and another test (a test to see who is careful and will stay prepared) reduces Gideon’s army to 300.  And then God tells Gideon to go down because he has given the Midianites (who are so numerous they can’t be counted) into his hands.
And here is why I love the Lord.  He is so understanding.  He says to Gideon, you can go down now or you can take a friend and go into the Midianite camp and then you will have enough courgage. 
And Gideon chooses the later – he still doesn’t have enough faith to trust that God can do what seems impossible to him.
So he goes into camp and hears what he needs to hear and goes up and he and the people blow their horns and break their pitchers and hold up their lanterns and yell “The Sword of the Lord, and of Gideon” and the Midianite host flees.
And I thank God for including this story in the scriptures.  I thank God for someone honestly writing all the emotional parts of it.  We can be afraid to follow God – and he will forgive us – and he will send miracles to strength our faith, again and again, until we can understand enough to try.  And then God will do miracles through us.
Why is trusting in the Lord so hard for some of us to learn.  I don’t know.  But I do know that God loves us and He will save us as we try to obey his commandments and follow the path that he wants for us.
Another thing I learn about the story of Gideon.  Most people aren’t doing right.  Most people aren’t careful.  Most people aren’t prepared.  And so if we justify ourselves that we are just as good as most people we can still lose the blessings that God wants to give us.
I can’t tell you enough how much I love the scriptures and how much I am strengthened when I read them!
Just a shout out for God commanding us to go to church on Sunday.  How thankful I am for that commandment.  If going to church were not a commandment (and a tradition that I have grown up with) I might not think that I had a need to go to church.  I might think: hey, I’m busy with other things, or hey, I can do this myself.   But in being commanded to go to church each Sunday I am edified in some way.  And I have made so many friends over the years – and they have strengthened me as well.  And my children have so many good teachers and programs that have helped their faith progress through the years.  And we have fun together.  So God, knows what He is doing.
Before Hunter was set apart as a missionary The Stake President gave Hunter some missionary advice and asked others in the room to give him advice as well.   Below our signatures is all that advice.  Also below our signatures are highlights from  Hunter’s blessing when he was set apart as a missionary by the Stake President.
Did you know that a General Authority used to set you apart for your mission?  My mom Beulah Dale Roberts Kunz was set apart by _____.  My dad Richard R Kunz was set apart by Elder Mark E. Peterson.  Derek’s dad Emery Gene Williams was set apart by Hunter W. Hunter.
Well that’s about all here from The Land of the Everlasting Hills, we love and pray for you
Derek & Suzanne, Elder Hunter Williams, Colt – 16, Priscilla – 14, Marshall – 12, Caleb – 10, Clancy – 8, Wesley – 4, and Portia & Jason + Baby Aiden
Mission Advice
Stake President Alex Jensen
1.      The most important language you will speak is the language of the Spirit – Your lack of ability to speak Spanish will not be an impediment to share the gospel.  They will know your testimony and your love
2.      He told a story that President Monson told in General Conference of a missionary that was very successful because he tried to imagine what the people could be like dressed in white instead of seeing them as they were presently like. – Don’t rush to judgment – not matter what the clothes or the habits
3.      Be obedient – Don’t worry about knowing the why of the rules.  The Lord gives us more instructions than explanations.  We often don’t understand a rule until after we have lived it and sometimes not even then.
4.      Work hard.  There is no substitute for hard work.  That’s why it’s called Missionary Work
5.      Make the most of every single day – Relish and Enjoy life
6.      Live your life so you can always have the Spirit with you.
Stake Counselor Scott Robert Stringham
1.      Love the people you work with
2.      Love your companions
3.      Try and see people as the Savior see them
4.      Keep a journal.  Your posterity and spouse will want to know about your mission.  Before you have a transfer, hand your journal to your companion and let him write a note on it
5.      The Gospel is true.  The Savior lives Sometimes you grow the most and grow closer to the Lord the most on your hard days if you get on your knees
Grandpa Emery Gene Williams
1.      Smile & laugh & have fun
2.      When you work, work hard.  When you play, play hard
3.      Marion G. Romney once asked Gene when he was on a mission in Mexico “What do you attribute your success to?”  And Gene replied that he simply tried to love the people.
4.      Gene told the story of President Gordon B. Hinckley on his mission.  “Forget yourself and go to work.”
Grandpa Richard R Kunz
1.      My bishop came and found me when I was baling hay and told me I should be doing other things.  I knew what he meant.  I am grateful that I didn’t say know when I was asked to go on a mission
2.      Hunter you are already ahead of me on your language ability
3.      Regardless of what else you do, write your parents every week – even share your heartaches.  Let them share in the mission with you.
Derek Gene Williams
1.      You are there to share the love that our Savior has for us
2.      The Lord doesn’t require perfection.  He requires willingness.
Suzanne Lorraine Kunz Fisher Williams
1.      If you are ever sad or discouraged, pray to Heavenly Father and thank Him for your blessings.  I know it will lift your spirits and help you see things differently.
Hunter Gene Fisher Williams responded
            I’m grateful for each and every one of you.  You have all been great examples to me.  I love you all and will miss you all

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Beat to this Blog

Me and my husband dancing 8 months pregnant at my cousins wedding
I have never done a blog before and I figured I should explain why I am starting now. Yesterday I was reading my Moms Family Newsletter just like I do every week and it was SO Inspiring! It made me want to write all of the many things that inspire me in my life!!! 
If anyone knows me and my fantastic husband Jason even a little bit, you know that we LOVE to dance. Dancing is inspirational to us in so many ways. I choreograph at least one song a week (in my head) to whatever song happens to move me. I have always felt that the quote by Jane Austin "Her spirit danced within her" perfectly described how I feel when something inspires me. Dancing is my way of expressing my emotions in a way words can't. I love how I even "met" my husband at a dance...well he saw me dancing and was too scared to ask me to dance then, but he found me on facebook later and we have been dancing together ever since (minus a year). Everyone has a "dance" inside of them; something that just makes them want to burst or that gives them a direction in life.  This blog is dedicated to those moments in my husbands and my life. As George Gordon Bryon said " ON WITH THE DANCE! LET JOY BE UNCONFINED." 

Me and my Husband at the Pretty and Pink dance at Midwestern University