I L.O.V.E.D being actually in my home for the month! I loved seeing my mom do school work with the kids at home and just being able to talk to her the whole day. I
My family taught a ballroom dance class every week and they invited me to teach some line dances
since I wouldn't have a partner I could teach with since Jason was working 7am-9pm :S. I have always loved dancing. I started ballet when I was 3 and have always been involved in some kind of dance whether it was in a musical, official dance production, or eventually on the ballroom and folk dance at BYU.
In the middle of the month Jason flew to Philadelphia to take Boards and despite a crazy work schedule was miraculously able to feel like he did very well on his exam. The last week of the month I had my ASL National Interpreting Certification exam and that was a special experience I will never forget.
As we were preparing for our exams we asked my dad to give us a blessing. Both were very tender and needed. I have been singing since I before I could talk and teaching it since I was 8. When I was 12 I went to Salt Lake Community College and started studying ASL Interpreting which I graduated with my Associates with when I was 18. Becoming a Nationally Certified Interpreter has been on my New Years Resolution list since I was 18 but other things have become more of a priority. With lots of faith, fasting, and prayers I was finally taking the exam again. When the day of my exam came I felt calm until the hour I was supposed to leave. I was so nervous and stressed trying to get everything ready to go and despite listening to Elder Uchtdorf's talk on being grateful despite our circumstances (https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2014/04/grateful-in-any-circumstances?lang=eng) I was still struggling to not be scared. I got in the car to drive to the exam and turned on that talk again but my phone "accidentally" pulled up the wrong talk..."Fear not I am with thee" started playing (https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2014/04/fear-not-i-am-with-thee?lang=eng). I was reminded of my blessing which among other things said I am loved and that there will be angels with me in my exam guiding my hands. I started humbly crying. I felt peace the rest of the day. Whether or not I passed my exam isn't the point to me. I have felt Heavenly Fathers love in a way that I will never forget and that to me is more than anything I could ask for.
When I finished the exam I rushed home and ran in a family 5k that my dad, brother, and I had been training for the whole month. It was an awesome way to end the day!
Things got kinda crazy after that! We bought and sold a car so we could drive in the same vehicle to Michigan, but three days before our trip we found out no one rents to the car we bought!! After frantically researching things we decided our big car was still fit to tow our small car so we bought a car dolly and made the trek out to Michigan!! I'll save the adventures here till next months update but in our less than a week of being here we have been in two motels, almost one apartment which was supposed to be our main residence, and are now renting from an AMAZING family in the ward. All I can say is Heavenly Father answers prayers and is with us more than we recognize.